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Video Series

Video series, both live and edited, are a great way to build audiences and explore topics that need more than one video. These are some of the video series I have helped to develop.

#JNOLive is a weekly livestream that covers new research published at JAMA Network Open, a leading open-access medical journal. I helped launch this livestream and continue to work on the series, including live cutting during the broadcast.

Line of Inquiry is an ongoing video series at Chicago Booth Review in which experts discuss a topic that interests them. What I like about this series is that the experts themselves choose what they’d like to discuss, and this open-ended format allows them to explore topics in more depth. I helped develop this series and edited several episodes, including the two below.

 The Big Question is a video series that was developed at Chicago Booth Review, a magazine that highlights research at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

“How to create middle-class jobs” is a series of nine videos of experts answering that question that I helped to shoot, edit and promote for Chicago Booth Review.

JAMA Abstracts is a video series aimed at physicians. Each video covers a new original investigation that impacts clinical practice. The videos tell physicians what they need to know: nothing more and nothing less.